I'm a glaciologist, fellow international of The Explorers Club, working at the Secretariat of AMAP, the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, one of the Working Groups to the Arctic Council. I am an avid science communicator and lead several expeditions to cold and icy places every year.
In 2022 I won the inaugural Shackleton Medal for the Protection of the Polar Regions and France's Prix du Rayonnement français environnemental in 2023.

Latest updates
I am hugely enthusiastic about making climate science more accessible and propelling people into positive climate action. I give talks to a wide variety of audiences ranging from companies, governments, NGOs, IGOs, or the general public. Through stories of remote expeditions, I’ll take you to the frontline of climate change, decrypt the latest science and inspire change.

My latest book
"Sentinelle du Climat" by Heïdi Sevestre in collaboration with Isabelle Marrier (in French only).

I'm telling you what I've seen, so that you can see with me what we're losing and what's in store for us, what is already at work.
The aim is not to sow fear, guilt, blame or despair. But to convince you to take action, in your area of influence, in the space of your daily life, however vast or narrow it may seem.
Because everything is linked, nothing is indifferent.
Because, I hope and believe, we will save the glaciers, and ourselves.